Question papers
The classified(worksheet) past papers are available below. These range from 2002 to 2011. Some challenging questions within this range may assist students in achieving an A* grade. The syllabus has changed in recent years and so, not all the classifieds that exist within this range may not be in the current syllabus (please review the syllabus page on Q8Maths); the topics that still exist in the syllabus can be used for practice for your upcoming examinations. It may also be handy if you are struggling with a particular topic and want extra practice to ensure you can complete all variations of questions on a specific topic that may appear. Teachers may be able to use some of the questions that exist within this range of classifieds in order to prepare lesson plans.
Mark Schemes
You will have to use the link below in order to find the mark schemes for all the questions in the classifieds for the years 2002 – 2011. The pages in the link below exist all the question papers and mark schemes from 2002 up to the most recent years.
To find the past paper mark scheme, you need to know that all papers within these classifieds have a code at the bottom of every page. These codes are where the questions come from.
Examples are shown below

“Question paper 2.2 – Oct/Nov – 2010“

“Question paper 4.3 – May/Jun – 2010”